‘Grisly’ or ‘grizzly’?

These two words have very different meanings.  http://mrg.bz/btzvI8Often ‘grizzly’ is used when ‘grisly’ would be correct.

  • Grisly: gruesome, causing horror or disgust – ‘a grisly murder was discovered’.
  • Grizzly: grey or grey-haired. It can also be used to refer to a whining or crying child (from to grizzle) in British English. But you will probably see the word used most commonly to refer to a kind of bear – the grizzly bear.

14 thoughts on “‘Grisly’ or ‘grizzly’?

  1. Hi, thanks for visiting and liking my blog. These posts are really interesting – I like to make sure I’m using words correctly all the time and do frequently resort to the dictionary ! Can I suggest complimentary vs complementary as a future post – those are two words I always get confused!


    • You’re welcome 🙂 and thanks. Of course, I’d love suggestions! I have had those mentioned before so they are very good candidates for an upcoming post and you shouldn’t feel alone in confusing them.


      • Agreed. I would even say, the difference in pronounciation is pronounced 🙂 This is what Merriam Webster has to say on that:
        jest·er \ˈjes-tər\ versus ges·ture \ˈjes-chər, ˈjesh-\


      • Thank you, this was my conclusion. I do wonder if the difference is not so obvious when spoken in some accents (or at a fast pace), and that accounts for the confusion. I did have a poke around on Google and it seems that there are blog posts and articles dedicated to ‘jester’ vs ‘gesture’ – but no real indication of why. Unfortunately it has been a very long time since I studied this area of linguistics!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. For those who live near the mountains, I doubt that they’ll have confusion with these two words. I never knew that these two words would become an issue so this was an interesting post.


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