‘Pore’ and ‘pour’

https://pixabay.com/en/pouring-tea-cup-teaspoon-spoon-166967/As has previously been mentioned in the comment section of one of my posts, pore and pour are often confused. In my experience, this tends to manifest as writers using poured over when they actually mean pored over.

  • Pour is to flow or cause to flow in a stream (usually a liquid), to rain heavily, to be given or obtained in large amounts (usually money), or to move together in large numbers. It can also be to express thoughts and feelings without restraint or to dress in tight clothing.
  • Pore is to examine or study intently. (As a noun it is a small opening in the skin or any surface.)

Therefore, I poured cream over the pudding and I pored over my latest manuscript.

8 thoughts on “‘Pore’ and ‘pour’

  1. Hi! I’m an editor/proofreader as well. Another misspelling I sometimes see (and you might’ve already mentioned it in another post) comes with “baring” and “bearing”, as in “The dog began bearing his teeth.” It should be “baring” instead. Keep up the great work and spreading the word!


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